
The spectrum of our services are performing arts, cultural education & community events. MO'O's focus is to facilitate social and emotional development, interdisciplinary skill- building and self acceptance all while utilizing ancestral teachings to enrich character growth. Performing Arts Teams (PAT) fall into three categories. Culture Exchange, Cultural Education Development and Community Events & Fundraisers.


MO'O International Team: Highly developed PAT members requires a minimum of three years membership and invited to audition. Some of the responsibilities are fundraising, regalia making and assisting younger MO'O members. MO'O International is a specialized team that regularly tours both national and internationally. This includes sovereign nations and reservations.


MO'O PNW: Consist of weekly classes and workshops in Maohi - Ori Tahiti, Māori - Kapa Haka, Kānaka Maoli - Hula and Tagata - Samoan Siva . MO'O PNW members learn stories, origins of basic steps, language, music and dance as it pertains to each culture. Taught MO'O's Motto and code of conduct. All performances are local events or at schools that are local.

‘Ohana is the sum of our past with the present residing in the unforeseeable future harmoniously.
— Ho'omālamalama