First of all let’s start with the name, MO’O

An acronym which also holds cultural significance to the Kanaka MAOLI (Hawaiian people)

M - Manaia: MĀORI aquatic and winged guardian that watches over its people in sky & sea.

O - Organization: Bridging the gap & bringing people together. 

'O - 'Ohana: The strongest representation of a healthy and vibrant community.

Explain MO’O’s creation & existence.

Originally MO’O was designed to be a Polynesian performing arts team, however after the pandemic it has developed into a personal development program for youth. To learn about its founders read the “WHO” page.

In its current iteration, the Hui (group) wanted to incorporate activities and events to engage their youth while developing interpersonal skills, aka character development. The simple explanation is that two Moms wanted more for their youth and found other Moms, Dads, Grandparents who felt the same.

What’s their mission?

MO'O Mission 

Our Mission is to provide culturally creative and engaging experiences through our unique programs, outreach and 'Ohana vibes.

Do they have a vision?

Our Vision is a three part symphony of,

1. Holistic Lifestyle 

2. Cultural Education 

3. Building the first Marae in the PNW along the Puget Sound. The Marae will be a cultural habitat housing all of the classes and community events.

Ukulele Club

Back in 2017 MO’O’s Na Keiki (children) sold candy leis to fundraise and purchase Ukulele’s for the entire group.

Puyallup Farmers Market was where they learned to engage with the community, busking (playing music outdoors), and set up their weekly booth.

Today, the “older cousins” teach the younger ones how to play and sing. It’s a great opportunity for them to teach what they’ve learned from their grandmother, a seasoned musician, to the next generation.